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Low Pressure Fitness lands in the Vatican Hospital

On Wednesday, Feb. 10th, 2016, Mimi Rodriguez Adami delivered a Seminar on the Low Pressure Technique for instructing hypopressive exercise at the CEMI (Centro per Medicina dell’Invecchiamento) of the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome. The Policlinico Gemelli is a University Hospital, working with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) to train medical personnel, perform research, study and adapt the latest methods and technology available.

The hospital has an in-house fitness center, Healthness, which is used by patients for rehabilitation and physical therapy and for external clients who want to train for fitness with specialized personnel.

The seminar was attended by over 50 persons, including physical therapists, physical education graduates specialized in adaptive exercise and physicians. After the presentation the participants were invited to participate in a brief demonstration of the basics of the technique: the posture, the breathing and an expiratory apnea. Their response was very positive and the Healthness management has decided to embrace Low Pressure Fitness and have all the physical therapists and personnel working in the gym, train to be able to teach hypopressive exercise using the Low Pressure Fitness technique to both patients and healthy clients.

Healthness management has also offered to host all future Low Pressure Fitness training workshops in Rome and promote the method locally and nationally.  Low Pressure Fitness in Rome will look forward to holding all its training workshops at the Healthness Center of the Policlinico Gemelli.

Mimi Adami, LPF Italy Director

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