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The  starting  point  for any  workout  should  begin with a pre-exercise evaluation  (assessment  of  cardiorespiratory  fitness,  muscular  fitness,  flexibility or body  composition) performed by an exercise specialist. A professional will ensure that the exercise program is safe and effective and consistent with each individuals needs and goals.


The Low Pressure Fitness system includes an assesment of core muscle function. This initial assessment will help you understand the health of the your abdominal muscles, and whether they are fit enough for their main functions: stabilization, movement and breathing.


In recent years, fitness centers are increasingly  focused on  high intensity workouts. This type of training can place excessive impact on core structures including the abdominal muscles, the spine and even the perineum.


Usually, when we sign up for a beginners class at a fitness center we do not ask ourselves if our core is prepared for the demands of high impact or high intensity exercise. The high price for quick results is often an injury or aggravation a previous pathology. That´s why a pre-exercise evaluation is essential to detect conditions that may  influence the design of an exercise or sport program.



After the initial assessment, one of the best ways to prepare your body for future higher intensity workouts is with Low Pressure Fitness. Through specific postural and breathing techniques, your body will decrease rigidity with observable  effects on the diaphragm and lumbar spine. Optimal muscle tone with no myofascial tension will allow your body to better manage intra-abdominal pressure which is crucial for supporting higher intensity training. There is a common misunderstanding regarding strength and tonicity: strong is not equal to tonicity You can have strong muscles but at the same time they can have high or even low tonicity. There is a widespread misconception about the importance of core muscle strength. It seems as if strength is the only relevant variable to achieve optimal physical condition.


The core helps to transfer the load of intra-abdominal pressure and body forces. When a link in the core chain is weak, the rest of the system will fail to function optimally. This is the case of many sportswomen who have high levels of general strength and fitness but a specific weakness in their core. In a previous article we address this topic. Another common ailment related to muscular weakness and imbalance of the core musculature is the sport hernia. Aggressive and inappropiate abdominal exercise programs can cause or a sports hernia. Low Pressure Fitness can be a safe alternative for beginners who need to restore the strength and function of their core muscles. Even if you are an athlete or fitness instructor who wants to perform high intensity training, you  can benefit from Low  Pressure  Fitness as part of your exercise program.


Eunice Moura

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