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New book about hypopressive exercises

We are pleased to announce that Esfera, a top publisher in Spain has just released a new book written by Tamara Rial and Piti Pinsach entitled Hypopressive exercises, much more than abdominals. Esfera editorial is part of the biggest communication group of Spain Unidad Editorial. Esfera editorial is a publishing company that targets innovative topics and popular authors with experience. Presently, this book is only available in spanish in major bookstores in Spain. It is a comprehensive text with easy to follow training guidelines for the initiation of hypopressive exercises. The book also contains a chapter with client testmonies after training hypopressives as well as other chapters about nutrition and the fundamental concepts of hypopressive training. To purchase the book or find more information, visit the editorial page.

On September 17th, 2015, the book was officially presented at the library Casa del Libro of Vigo. Many distinguished cultural personalities of the city and media were present at the event. Tamara Rial & Piti Pinsach signed books and gave a seminar about the hottest trend in physical fitness: hypopressive technique.


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